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Name: Kieran Burke


P Number: P13188055




Project Title: GP Environment partially stylised Brief 'Through The Gate'

































For this project I had to model the other side of a gate (a picture of the gate was given in the brief). At first glance it is clear that the image shows off East Asian architecture. Not wanting to waste any time of the 3 weeks given I decided early on that the environment would be Japanese garden. The environment uses 7x1024 and 4x512 texture sheets (the equivalent of 2x2048)


The plan for my final major project revolves around foliage, this was a good test to understand how to go about modelling tress, bushes, leaves, etc.




















































Research and design


First week of this project was spent concepting ideas for what kind of shots I wanted in the scene. The second half of the week was used to create a white box of the environment and also a modular building set to. This bash kit was used to fill the background of the environment. Again, having an image to work from helped find images of architecture with a similar theme that I could then work on.


The next two weeks were spent modelling assets that could would be placed in the environment. I spent the second week setting up texture sheet allocation. The final week was primarily used to polish the environment overall.



The project was limited 2x2048 texture sheets. Due to the large variety and number of assets I decided to split the sheets up. So 4x1024 for the first sheet and 3x1024 4x512 for the second.


Outdoor assets – 1024

Restaurant props (large) – 1024

Restaurant props (small) – 1024

Restaurant building – 1024


Foliage – 1024

Ground Texture – 1024

Blossom Tree – 1024

Rocks – 512

Decals – 512

Snow – 512


(Due to time limitations I was able to utilise the texture sheets fully. I made several snow assets that didn’t make it into the final product, this includes some of the textures. However, these textures and a few meshes can still be found in the engine file.)




I was quite pleased with the outcome for this project. This project was primarily used as a test for my final major project. Seeing is that I want to create an environment this was a good set up to see what I could do in 3 weeks and what I need to focus on. As always there is always something I could have done different, or something I could have done better. Unfortunately I didn’t have enough time as I wanted for polishing. I did however take on board what many people were saying about the trees in my scene.


The biggest flaw was that the leaves were convincing enough, with this being said I spent several days modelling and re modelling the leaves of the tree. This may have been where I wasted time, but I was able to produce a better looking tree.


I also may have bit off more than I could chew for this project. As I mentioned previously there were several snow assets that didn’t make it into the final build of the environment as I didn’t have enough time. This inconvenience has taught me to set a project for myself that is within reach. This being said, I’m still really pleased with the amount of work i as able to complete in such a small amount of time.



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