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FMP 010: What’s Done, is Done.

This week was spent finishing off my art test for Foundry 42. I made the decision last week that I will work every day on the test until it is finished, minimising the time taken out of FMP. I’d like to say I’m a positive person, I’m an optimist, having said this I have seen the silver lining on the art test. The final stage of the FMP will be an underground basement that will utilise modular assets. As this is what I’m doing for my art test I see it more as practice rather than something complete unrelated.

As of Thursday of this past week I have completed the art test. I am quite pleased with what I have accomplished in such a small amount of time. It is unfortunate that it took this much time out of fmp, but I believe it served as a good source of practice for what is to come in the next couple of weeks. I will polish and tweak the environment in my free time before I send it off to Foundry 42. But for now, it’s done.

Going straight back to FMP, I used the last day and a half of the past week to make a TV. I actually think this is one of the best assets I’ve made (It only took a day!). I want to say the art test helped me a lot with speed and quality. I’m still behind with the living room assets, however I am now back on track and thankfully I have reserved the last few weeks for side-tracks such as this.

(You can check out the TV on my Artstation -

Next week is planned for lighting the interior and importing assets. I’m hoping this won’t take the whole week meaning I can spend a few days next week finishing off the assets still on my list. As of right now I only have to model curtains and a tv stand, there are far more assets I will need to model but I have designated them as stretch goals.

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