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Fmp 013: Top level complete

I’m glad to finally say that the top level of the environment was completed this week.

I spent this week on a final population pass on the living room and the house in general. The start of the week was used to gather other people’s opinions on what works with the living room, what doesn’t and also what could be added. The feedback was generally positive, but the main point that kept coming up was the transition between the walls and the floor. Having made a note of this problem a while back and actually being told by people at this stage that it’s still a problem made me put this at the top of my priority list.

Separating the walls from the floor was actually a really easy fix, I simply modelled a block of skirting board that I changed the length of in engine. The texture was simply a modified version of the tile able wood texture I created for the outside of the house. I also thought it was worthwhile in modelling a metal separator that can be found on the floor of a door frame between rooms.

Additionally, I modelled several more assets to fill in spaces of the house that were either lacking or need a little bit more dressing. This included a coat hanger, coat and a deer head. The coat and deer head were put together using brush which, surprisingly didn’t take that much time to accomplish. For the deer head, I added several shells to create the fur effect similar to what I did with the rugs. I believe the effect came out well, all these assets definitely make a difference to the scene.

(Deer -

Finally to round things off with the top level, I went through placing assets that Calum had made in the scene, tweaking a glass texture that Calum also made so that they would work on the picture frames and lastly using a spline blueprint to create wires to add just a little more detail to the overall look. For example a spline connecting the TV to a socket in the wall.

At this stage in the project we are still a little bit behind where we wanted to be, but at the very least we can call the top level of the environment complete. Again, we also have a couple of weeks at the end to make up for time, thank god.

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